Book Review: That Secret Crush by Meghan Quinn
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That Secret Crush
by Meghan Quinn
Series: Getting Lucky
Category: Contemporary Romance
Tags: Friends to Lovers, Tortured Hero
Kindle | Audible | Paperback | Apple Books
Rating: ★★★★
Megan Quinn does it again with this friends-to-lovers story. I think Reid is now my favorite Knightly!
Reid Knightly has been best friends with Eric since they were young kids and Eve, Eric‘s twin sister, was part of the package. But what neither Eric nor Eve knew was that Reid has been secretly crushing on Eve for years. After having a falling out with Eric, Reid is back in Port Snow, his hometown, struggling with his future. But one night moves are made and Reid and Eve become more than just friends.
Even though Reid finally acted on his crush, things aren’t necessarily easy for him. Is it the Knightly curse or is it his own inner demons that ultimately hold him back and potentially ruin things with Eve?
In a family of 5 siblings and having 3 brothers I’m sure it’s hard to not compare yourself or feel as though you don’t measure up within a successful family. I think many people could relate to this insecurity which plagues Reid. Quinn did a great job of exploring this sense of insecurity without hitting you over the head with it.
Eve was a great balance to Reid. I adore strong female characters and Eve totally fit the bill. She’s had her own disappointments in life but she’s smart, patient and a woman who knows her worth. You go Eve!
I’m not sure who Quinn had more fun writing…Reid or his younger brother Brig. As she said in the acknowledgments of the book, Reid has no filter and that gave ample opportunity for Quinn’s signature hilarity to fly with Reid. He had so many great one-liners that I highlighted and which made me laugh out loud. Brig however almost stole the show. I absolutely love the characterization of this hopelessly romantic brother and he really shined in this book. I cannot wait for his own story to come next in That Swoony Feeling.
That Secret Crush is definitely my favorite of the series so far but can easily be read as a standalone. There’s a reason I’m such a fan of Meghan Quinn’s writing. You get great banter, amazing characters and thought provoking themes to explore, all in a great read that sucks you in from start to finish. A must read for sure!
Do you have a favorite in the Getting Lucky series so far or is this one you’d like to pick up? Let me know in the comments below.
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This book review was added to the Book Review March Link-Up.
Great review! My favourite tends to be the last one I finished. I’m loving this series. I really can’t wait for Brig’s book. He’s such a softie. I will be very sad to leave Port Snow.
Kate – A Grand Romance
Thanks Kate! I seriously can’t wait for Brig’s story. i love how she made him such a romantic.